"The God of Our Beginnings"

John 1:1-14

Each of us have experienced beginnings. We have many terms in our vocabulary for these beginnings. We say “we are turning over a new leaf.” “We are starting a new chapter” or “we are getting a fresh start” just to name a few. We take up a diet or start a workout routine because of beginnings. Every new year many make resolutions to begin something new. Even now as you read the words of this page, you have began a new journey reading through the New Testament in a year.

For some, perhaps you will face new beginnings at the job place with a promotion, a career change, or a pay adjustment. For others, new beginnings in family unfold this year for you perhaps as you are expecting a new member of the family. For some student, new beginnings are unfolding as you have come to a new school or college.

So as we begin this journey there is one challenge that we can take with us as we face the unknown of what lies ahead: God desires to lead us through our beginnings. The Word of God shows us that God is more than qualified to lead us in our beginnings.

First, our God is God over the beginning of our human race. God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit were all there at the creation of the world and mankind. Man’s first breath was a result of God lending Him “the breath of life” (Genesis 2:7). Our beginning as the human race is because of God.

We also see that He is the One who began the way for our salvation. Man sinned and fell out with God and His holiness when Eve then Adam disobeyed in the Garden. But God began something new. John declares to us that God became like one of us—flesh—so that we could experience a new relationship, a new beginning, with God.

Lastly, God looks at us individually and desires to be the God of new beginnings in our life. Whether it is beginnings that we plan and take on, or unexpected events, God desires to be the God of our beginnings. His qualifications demonstrate that He is more than able.

So what do we have to do? Listen to verses 12-13:

But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God. 13 They are reborn![1]

The God of new beginnings can take this year in your life and even your new beginnings and demonstrate in them His awesome power. When we believe in Him, He gives us a new beginning as a child of God, but then He keeps on bringing new beginnings as we grow and mature in Him.

Let God be God in your life today. Allow Him to have your new beginnings this year and be God in them bringing about a life in you that you have never experienced before.

[1]Holy Bible, New Living Translation, (Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.) 1996.